Big Changes to Unlock MLS are officially here!
As of August 13, the NAR-mandated MLS and broker business practice changes are live in our marketplace. Updated MLS Rules and Terms of Service that comply with the MLS rules and broker business practice changes required in the NAR settlement agreement are in effect. Clean and redlined versions of the updated Unlock MLS Rules, Subscriber Service Agreement, and Participant Service Agreement can be found in the links above.
We’re committed to helping you navigate this transition as smoothly as possible. This page is your one-stop-shop for everything you need Right Here, Right Now: new, optional Unlock MLS forms, FAQs on what's changing, training and events, and helpful resources for both brokers and agents.
Don't miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to amplify your value and stay competitive in the market!
Making Business Practice Changes Toolkit
This toolkit includes detailed information about the MLS rules and broker business practice changes required in the NAR settlement and how they specifically impact our marketplace.
This toolkit provides resources and best practices that can help brokers tackle emerging risks in the housing market head-on and position their agents for success.